Profile Of A Graduate

College and Career Ready
All students will:
Complete the college and career continuum AND at least one of the following:
Be a pathway completer – 3 courses
Score at least a 31 on the ASVAB
Earn an Industry-Valued Certification
Earn at least 3 college credits
Globally Connected and Aware
All students will:
Participate in at least one co-curricular or extra-curricular organization AND at least one of the following:
Complete a virtual/blended course
Earn a Seal of Bi-literacy
Communicator and Critical Thinker
All students will:
Successfully research a pathway
Defend a Capstone project in their pathway
Respectful and Productive Citizen
All Students will:
Have an attendance of 95% or higher
Complete an electronic portfolio with a 10 year plan
Complete 20 service learning hours
College, Career & Life Ready